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The Best Week of My Life!

The best part of the vacation last week was the two days of camping.  Mom and Dad slept in the camping trainer with Becky and Dwayne and I slept outside in a tent.  We had sleeping bags but it was too hot to sleep inside them so we slept on top of them.  Mom made breakfast at a picnic table.  For some reason our food always tastes better on camping trips.  We did things as a family.  We went hiking, swimming in the lake, and played games at night around the table.  Andy an Uncle Andrew did about everything we did but stayed out of site.  I don’t think they went swimming in the lake.  Andy said this was the best week of his life.  He learned so many things from Uncle Andrew and just being out in nature.  We did have a few adventures together but we have made a pact to not tell anyone—so grown-ups will not get upset.


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