One Saturday morning Andy Ant and Joey decide to ride Joey’s bike to a friend’s house to hang out and play some video games.  As usual, Andy was sitting on Joey’s bike’s handlebar (Andy learned awhile back that he could go more places faster by riding with Joey than by walking).  Joey was in a hurry.  He failed to stop at a stop sign—you might say he “rolled through” without coming to a stop.

As he turned to the right without stopping, a car came speeding down the street.  This spooked Joey, and he lost his balance.  Down he went onto the street.  Joey and Andy were not hit by the car, but it was a close call.  Joey’s knee and elbow got scraped…but wait!  All of a sudden, Joey realized that Andy had disappeared.  Andy was nowhere to be found!

  • Where do you think Andy is? 
  • How will Joey find Andy? 
  • What went wrong in this adventure?
  • It’s up to you to make up the rest of this story.  In your adventure you have to find Andy!

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