Dad assigned me a new job this morning. He thinks I am now old enough to mow the lawn with the power mower. This means more work for me. I don’t like this growing up stuff—I wish I could be Peter Pan. Anyway, Dad showed me how to start the mower and how to go back and forth over the lawn. After making a few passes with me he turned the mover over to me. Wow, I was running the mower as good as Dad was. Back and forth I went until the front law was done.
As I mowed I remember the day Dad decided to mow the law after I had told Andy and his soccer team they could practice on the lawn. That day the lawnmower just about mowed down the whole ant soccer team. You need to read the Lawnmower on the Loose book to see what happened that day. You can be assured, there were no ants out playing in the grass today. When I learned that Dad was going to train me to mow the lawn I ran to the front porch and warned Andy to get his friends away from the grass. I did not want another disaster