I don’t like tests at school, but my dad and Andy Ant tell me not to relax and not worry.
This week I’m taking a bunch of tests. I don’t like tests. I wish school never gave kids tests. It seems the tests always test me on what I forgot. Dad says I need to prepare for the tests and not worry so much. Easy for him to say since he’s not being tested! I’m good in math. There are so many ways to get the same answer. I have trouble remembering things that are taught in history. I like science, especially when we study about insects. The more I learn about Andy Ant’s world, the better I understand him. He’s an amazing little creature. He’s smart. I wonder if he could pass the tests I have to take this week.
Andy Ant told me about his dad’s new job.
Andy Ant told me this morning on the way to school that his dad is starting to build a new underground condo project at the big field that’s about three blocks from my house. He has to get up extra early to be at work by 7am. Three blocks’ distance is a long way for ants. I guess they’re making room for a lot more ants over there. Most people have no idea how many ants live in the neighborhood. They live in ant villages called colonies. Andy Ant tells me they have underground highways and that most ants never come out in the daytime. When God created the earth, He made plenty of room for lots of ants. He sees value in them, even if people don’t. God is quite amazing. He cares for every person and for every little creature—even ones smaller than ants.
Andy Ant and I decided 2014 would be the best year ever.
So much has happened to Andy Ant and me over this last year. Few people knew we were friends, and now kids everywhere are learning about our amazing adventures. Today my parents were talking about a new year with new challenges. They even made what they call New Year’s resolutions. Not sure what that is all about. Anyway, Andy Ant and I were talking last night and decided to make this the best year of our lives. We both love adventures and plan to have a lot of them together in 2014. As best friends we can trust each other. Just being together is fun. Sometimes we don’t even talk much. We just like being together.
Andy Ant and I are celebrating Christmas today with our families.
Today is Christmas. This is a really special day. It’s always fun for the whole family to get together in our pajamas around the Christmas tree. The gifts are always fun to get, but today I realized for the first time that it’s more fun to give a gift than to receive a gift. Mom and Dad were so surprised with the picture that Dwayne, Becky, and I had taken of the three of us by our neighbor, Jim. He’s really a good photographer. We planned it at as a real surprise, and boy were they surprised! They were so happy with it, and that made me feel good. After we opened gifts, Dad read to us all of the true Christmas story from the Bible. God sure gave us a wonderful gift! This really is the best gift of all!
Andy Ant is down underground with his family today, but he said he would somehow get away later and come up to my room and enjoy come cookie crumbs with me. He loves the cookies my mom makes! I wonder what Andy Ant, Parker Ant, and Angelica Ant gave to their mom and dad today. I’m sure I will hear all about his Christmas day later today. I wonder if Andy Ant’s dad read the ant family the story from the Bible too. I’ll have to ask.
My brother and I have been fighting a lot, and this upsets Mom—and Andy Ant
Dad is traveling this week for his job. With Mom not feeling well, he seemed concerned. He got us all together last night and asked us to help Mom and be extra kind to each other. Sometimes my brother and I fight with each other. I guess it’s just what boys do, but it really gets on Mom’s nerves. My sister, Becky, gets very upset when we’re going at it. Maybe we need to begin acting as brothers and good friends and not as enemies. After all, we really do like each other. We promised Dad that we would be helpful to Mom while he’s traveling on business this week. I wish he didn’t have to leave. I miss him when he’s out of town. I need to talk to Andy Ant about this. He always has some good advice.
Sure glad I didn’t take Andy Ant camping!
Well, I went camping and decided it was a good idea not to take Andy Ant. I’m sure glad. There was an anthill not far from where we were camping. Fred doesn’t like insects at all. He freaked out and made a real mess of the anthill. Ants went crazy, and some of them got into Fred’s socks and bit him. I’m sure glad Andy Ant didn’t have to witness this!
The camping trip was really great. Dad and I spent a lot of time together doing stuff we like to do. It was time for just Dad and me. We hiked, swam in the lake, and at night ate smores that we cooked over the campfire. After breakfast a man told us about how God is interested in the big things and the tiny things. I thought of Andy Ant! I’m going to tell Andy Ant all about what Dad and I did together, but not about what Fred did to the anthill.
Andy Ant is begging me to take him on an overnight campout
This coming weekend I get to go on an overnight campout with other boys and their dads from church. We’re going to set up tents by a lake and cook our food on an open fire. Andy Ant is begging me to go along, but I’m not sure how the other boys would react if they knew an ant had joined the camping overnight. I’ve seen some boys squash ants for no reason at all, and I know Andy Ant wouldn’t like that! Andy Ant said his Uncle Andrew Ant could go camping with him. I will have to think about this.
I’m worried about Mom and want to talk to Andy Ant
I heard Mom tell Dad this morning that she still didn’t feel well. I think she’s in pain. I wonder what’s going on. She’s been sleeping more lately. When I came home from school the other day, she was sleeping on the couch and never heard Andy Ant and me come in. Even when it’s not time to be in bed, she’s sleeping. I asked my brother what was wrong with Mom, and he just said that her doctor was concerned about her. This gives me a sick feeling in my stomach. I wonder what’s going on with her. I wonder if Andy Ant’s mom ever gets sick.
Andy Ant plays a tuba
This week I get to try out for the school jazz band. I sure hope I’m accepted this year. I practiced my trumpet over the summer and am better now than last spring. I think I’m pretty good. The jazz band gets to play at different places around town—like the Children’s Hospital, Kiwanis, and Rotary. Next spring we get to go to the state competition. This means we’ll take a bus and stay overnight in a hotel.
My best friend, Andy Ant, is playing in the ant marching band again this year. He still plays the tuba. It looks so heavy on him. The tuba is bigger than Andy Ant! He says carrying the tuba in the marching band is good exercise for him. He’s actually a good player. There are over 20 ants playing together in the band. They do their practice marching on the other side of the fence so they don’t get trampled by the kids playing on the school playground.
My best friend is Andy Ant.
Well, summer is over and that means it’s back to school. It’s still really hot outside, so I’m glad my classroom has air conditioning. I like my new teacher, Mrs. Woolard. She’s easy to talk to and says she wants us to have the best school year ever. One thing she said I have to do is start a journal. Every day I’m to write in my journal. I wonder if Andy Ant’s teacher has given him the same assignment cause it seems we often end up with similar homework. I wonder what my teacher would think if she found out my best friend is an ant—Andy Ant?
Joey’s Journal: I Don’t Like Tests
This week I’m taking a bunch of tests. I don’t like tests. I wish school never gave kids tests. It seems the tests always test me on what I forgot. Dad says I need to prepare for the tests and not worry so much. Easy for him to say since he’s not being tested! I’m good in math. There are so many ways to get the same answer. I have trouble remembering things that are taught in history. I like science, especially when we study about insects. The more I learn about Andy’s world, the better I understand him. He’s an amazing little creature. He’s smart. I wonder if he could pass the tests I have to take this week?
Joey’s Journal: Ants…They Live Everywhere
Andy told me this morning on the way to school that his dad is starting to build a new underground condo project at the big field that’s over three blocks from my house. He has to get up extra early to be at work by 7am. Three blocks’ distance is a long way for ants. I guess they’re making room for a lot more ants over there. Most people have no idea how many ants live in the neighborhood. They live in ant villages called colonies. Andy tells me they have underground highways and that most ants never come out in the daytime. When God created the earth, He made plenty of room for lots of ants. He sees value in them, even if people don’t. God is quite amazing. He cares for every person and for every little creature—even ones smaller than ants.
Joey’s Journal: When’s Dad’s Traveling
Dad is traveling this week for his job. With Mom not feeling well, he seemed concerned. He got us all together last night and asked us to help Mom and be extra kind to each other. Sometimes my brother and I fight with each other. I guess it’s just what boys do, but it really gets on Mom’s nerves. My sister Becky gets very upset when we’re going at it. Maybe we need to begin acting as brothers and good friends and not as enemies. After all, we really do like each other. We promised Dad that we would be helpful to Mom while he’s traveling on business this week. I wish he didn’t have to leave. I miss him when he’s to go out of town.
Joey’s Journal: It’s Good Andy Did Not Go Camping
Well, I went camping and decided it was not a good idea to take Andy. I’m sure glad. There was an anthill not far from where we were camping. Fred doesn’t like insects at all. He freaked out and made a real mess of the anthill. Ants went crazy, and some of them got into Fred’s socks and bit him. I’m sure glad Andy didn’t have to witness this!
The camping trip was really great. Dad and I spent a lot of time together doing stuff we like to do. It was time for just Dad and me. We hiked, swam in the lake, and at night ate smores that we cooked over the campfire. After breakfast a man told us about how God is interested in the big things and the tiny things. I thought of Andy! I’m going to tell Andy all about what Dad and I did together, but not about what Fred did to the anthill.
Joey’s Journal: Summer is Over
Well, summer is over and that means it’s back to school. It’s still really hot outside so I am glad my classroom has air conditioning. I like my new teacher, Mrs. Woolard. She’s easy to talk to and says she wants us to have the best school year ever. One thing she said I have to do is start a journal. Every day I’m to write in my journal. I wonder if Andy’s teacher has given him the same assignment cause it seems we often end up with similar homework. I wonder what my teacher would think if she found out my best friend is an ant?
Joey’s Journal: Playing in the Band
This week I get to try out for the school jazz band. I sure hope I’m accepted this year. I practiced my trumpet over the summer and am better now than last spring. I think I’m pretty good. The jazz band gets to play at different places around town—like the Children’s Hospital, Kiwanis and Rotary. Next spring we get to go to the state competition. This means we’ll take a bus and stay overnight in a hotel.
Andy is playing in the marching band again this year. He still plays the tuba. It looks so heavy on him. The tuba is bigger than Andy. He says carrying the tuba in the marching band is good exercise for him. He’s actually a good player. There are over 20 ants playing together in the band. They do their practice marching on the other side of the fence so they don’t get trampled by the kids playing on the school playground.
Joey’s Journal: Is Mom Okay?
I heard Mom tell Dad this morning that she still didn’t feel well. I think she’s in pain. I wonder what’s going on. She’s been sleeping more lately. When I came home from school the other day, she was sleeping on the couch and never heard Andy and me come in. Even when it’s not time to be in bed, she’s sleeping. I asked my brother what was wrong with Mom, and he just said that her doctor was concerned about her. This gives me a sick feeling in my stomach. I wonder what’s going on with her.
Joey’s Journal: Andy Wants to go Camping
This coming weekend I get to go on an overnight camp-out with other boys and their dads from church. We’re going to set up tents by a lake and cook our food on an open fire. Andy’s begging me to go along, but I’m not sure how the other boys would react if they knew an ant had joined the camping overnight. I’ve seen some boys squash ants for no reason at all, and I know Andy wouldn’t like that! Andy said his Uncle Andrew could go camping with him. I will have to think about this. Many people don’t like ants.